2019 Thanksgiving Project


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2019 Thanksgiving Service Project

On Saturday November 23, 2019, the Leadership Society of Arizona (LSA) held a service project in Mesa, Arizona. 12 students from across the valley volunteered 4hours of their time to help (list of participants can be found on page 2). LSA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization focused on helping young people develop leadership skills through community actions, the development of themselves and a change-focused approach.

The goal of the project was to help a family to have a thanksgiving dinner. The family receiving the aid is part of an aid program at A New Leaf. A New Leaf a non-profit organization that provides a broad spectrum of services to help individuals and families in crisis, including but not limited to:

  • foster care
  • domestic violence
  • abuse
  • poverty
  • disability
  • early childhood education

Project Scope

The goal of the project was for students to plan, purchase, and deliver a 3-course thanksgiving dinner. To do this, the following steps were taken:

  1. Students were separated into 3 groups and assigned a dinner course (snacks, main, dessert).
  2. Each group was given a budget and a planning sheet used to identify what they would purchase upfront.
  3. Each group purchased their items.
  4. Purchased and packed all items in a practical container.
  5. Delivered the dinners to a representative from A New Leaf.


 Due to the high turnout of students, it was decided that 2 families were going to receive aid instead of 1. All 12 students participated in the planning stage and were able to find the best value items for their “family.” All 3 of the groups came under-budget and were able to provide a 3-course dinner for 2 single-parent families in need from A New Leaf’s domestic violence aid program.

Special Thanks

LSA would like to publically thank all of our amazing Success Coaching students, devoted parents, and supportive partner organizations. LSA’s success is directly dependant on your support and kind hearts.


Happy Thanksgiving!