Career Success Coalition

An online mentoring program to help students learn the professional, social, and emotional sills required to be successful employees in any industry.


Is the Younger Generation Prepared for the Workplace?

What Schools Teach

  • Memorization
  • Test Taking
  • Working Alone
  • Obedience
  • Enduring Stress

What Employers Need

  • Open-mindedness
  • Creating Problem Solving
  • Working with others
  • Accountability
  • Managing stress

We teach students the skills they need to be stable & accountable professionals

How does the program work for students?


Partner students with a professional Success Coach


Teach students how to develop soft skills and find career direction


Connect students with companies for internships / careers


Walk students through online career training


Excellent method to guide kids with finding their path, who they are, and how to deal with life without the stress.

Katina L (Parent)

How can companies get involved?

Sponsor a Student

Facilitate an Online Course

Offer Jobs or Internships

Career Success Professional Board

Dean T. Kashiwagi, PhD PE is the creator of the Best Value Performance Information Procurement System (PIPS) and the deductive logic based Information Measurement Theory (IMT). Best Value PIPS is a futuristic project management model, a powerful risk management model and an optimizing model for organizations and supply chains.

Eric Gershey is the CEO and Founder of Jaguar Apps Inc. and Co-Host of C3 Chat Show podcast (iTunes Top 50 Education Newcomer Podcast discussing the topics of College, Careers and Credit). Eric graduated with a B.A. in 2012 from Montclair State University and has a background in banking, sales, marketing and management. In addition to serving as CEO and Founder of Jaguar Apps Inc., Eric is passionate about helping people find their dream job. Their success becomes his motivation to expand this business. Eric resides in Caldwell, NJ. and is a regular attendee at tech networking events, and keeps up with tech advancements in the Metro New York/NJ area. As a result, he’s created two apps, Nine2Five Job Search app, the all in one job search platform for job seekers in the U.S. and U.K., and the Lid app, the Android screen locking application.

Sid Vaidya is the CEO of Switch Events, Co-Host of C3 Chat Show podcast (iTunes Top 50 Education Newcomer Podcast) and a business lending professional. Switch Events is a professional networking platform created to change the way networking is done along with educating people on how to network effectively. Switch Events has completed over 25 events in 2019 with over 500 attendees and over $1 million in shared business between attendees. Also, Sid is a co-founder of C3 Chat Show Podcast discussing the topics of College, Careers and Credit.

Student Resources

Our Library of Content! (constantly updated) is a site updated by LSA volunteers where they share articles, videos and much more information to help you in any assignments, projects, workshop ideas, or just for your own education! Check it out constantly.

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C3 Chat Show

C3 Chat Show is a podcast created by Sid Vaidya and Eric Gershey in August 2019. C3 stands for College, Careers and Credit. In this show, we speak about topics tied to college, careers and credit (financial, debt, cash, etc.) focusing on the issues surrounding college students and young professionals. The show has gotten recognition from iTunes as a Top 50 Education Newcomer Podcast.

Listen Now

Reading Recommendations 

These are the top picks of the season! Submitted by our extensive network of professionals, parents, college and hs students, you are sure to find your next great book right on this list! (Submissions are always welcome, too! Email us at

Read the List!

Workshops by Microsoft

Hosted at the Microsoft Store in Chandler Fashion Center, come share your passions with like-minded Microsoft fans at fun and free events, including gaming tournaments, youth coding camps, and productivity workshops.

See the Schedule