A Successful After School Program


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According to the Center for American Progress on the topic of “work and family life balance,” 70% of American children live in households where both parents are employed [up from 20% of mothers who worked in the 1960s] (Miller, 2016; Schabner, 2016).  American children live in a nation where 86% of males and 67% of females work more than 40 hours per week. This is more than any other developed country in the world. In a recent Pew Research Center survey, working parents identify they feel stressed, worn out, and have less quality time with their children (Miller, 2015; Education Week, 2004).

Parents are having a difficult time maintaining a stable environment for their children. Many parents look to community support (church, academic and extracurricular activities, family and friends) for assistance.

Education System’s Response

The education system is facing the burden of providing wholesome learning opportunities for children, as well as fill their time with meaningful activities that keep them out of trouble and moving forward in life (National Collaboration for Youth, 2011). According to a report conducted by Afterschool Alliance in 2009, more than half of the children left alone at home [non-participants in after school programs], are unsupervised normally between the hours of 3-6pm [prime time for juvenile crime, drug use, alcohol and sex] (Fader, 2009). This may be more prominent with students from lower social economic levels.

Unfortunately, due to diminishing budgets and an inability to attract and engage students, many after school programs are unable to provide them with the services they need (Afterschool Alliance, 2012). The real issue is that many after school programs are being launched, only to meet a requirement [prepare children for college or the workforce] or to fill up a student’s time (Fader, 2009). They do not focus on what many parents hope their children will learn by participating in education, which is to learn correct principles that teach them how to be successful in every area and stage of life.

Logic and Leadership Academy: After School Program

students-talkingA new after school program has been developed from over 23 years of industry and academic research at Arizona State University. It has the following characteristics:

  1. Teaches students how to make their life simpler by understanding natural laws and logic.
  2. Explains to students what is reality and how to explain the “whys” in life, and why it is important to become a better person in every area and stage in their life.
  3. Helps students how to find their purpose in life, by figuring out who they are.
  4. Guides students to their unique successful path, which is different then all the other students.
  5. By understanding reality, students have reduced their stress, and by knowing very little, have learned how to accomplish much.
  6. Developing a no tuition financial model to help more students participate and simplify their lives.
  7.  Includes the education of students’ parents, to support their learning experience and provide them with more resources for success.


after school program

The Logic and Leadership Academy was officially launched in 2016, and has had the following successful results:

  • Ran three after school program tests in the Phoenix Valley [North High School, Mountain Pointe High School, and Coronado High School].
  • Taught 85 students.
  • Stress levels reduced by 35%, self-confidence increased by 39%, and belief they control their lives increase by 75%.
  • North and Coronado High Schools are a title 1 schools with the majority students taught from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Mountain Pointe High School was a hub for many students from more affluent backgrounds from across the valley.
  • North HS students volunteered in the after school program, while the majority of the Mountain Pointe HS students were forced by their parents. Coronado HS students were solely football students who volunteered. In all cases, it did not matter from which background or reason the students came, each program delivered positive impact to the students.
  • Additional to the three after school programs, there has been three family conferences, where parents are run through mini workshops on the concepts taught to their children. Parents have identified that they are in full support of the ideas, and see great value in them being taught to their children.
  • Overall, parents and administrators have been satisfied with the after school programs by rating them a 9.8 and 10 out 10. Parents have identified that they have seen their children show positive improvement in their behavior and develop a new appreciation for trying to become a better person.

Impressive Cases

There are three dominant cases of parents being impressed by their children:

  • Case 1: After one week of attending the after school program, one young lady helped her friend from taking his life, by explaining to him the dominant ideas she learned in the class [there are no mistakes in life, everything happens for a reason, nothing happens by chance, we have full control over our lives, by using the expertise of others we can make our life better].
  • Case 2: At the beginning of the program week, a young man’s father provided our team insight that his son has poor behavior and was just removed from another program. At the end of the program, the son received an award for Outstanding Scholar, due to his great behavior and active participation in the course. His father was in shock at the end of the program and was thrilled that the program and its concepts were able to reach his son in a positive way.
  • Case 3: During the second week of the program, administrators notified our team that one young man being taught was so impacted by the concepts he heard, he decided to return home to live with his mother, after staying away for one month. Our team was unaware of this issue, and were pleased to hear of the results. The parent of this young man and the administrators were so grateful.

What is the Takeaway?

If you are a parent, academic institution, or investor who is struggling with finding an after school program that helps engage the youth and teaches them correct and proven principles of success that helps them understand why and how to become a better person in life, you may want to look into the Logic and Leadership Academy. Our mission is to simplify the lives of students, by helping them discover what is unique about them, and use it to their advantage and ticket to live a more happy and successful life.


Afterschool Alliance. (2012). Uncertain Times. Afterschool Program Still Struggling in Today’s Economy. Afterschool Alliance. Web (November 6, 2016). Retrieved from: http://www.afterschoolalliance.org/documents/Uncertain_Times/Uncertain-Times-2012.pdf

Education Week. (2004). After-School Programs. Education Week. Web (November 6, 2016). Retrieved from: https://www.edweek.org/ew/issues/after-school-programs/

Fader, L. (2009). U.S. After-School Programs That Make A Difference. Newsweek. Web (November 6, 2016). Retrieved from: http://www.newsweek.com/after-school-programs-make-difference-269102

Miller, G.E. (2016). The U.S. is the Most Overworked Developed Nation in the World – When do we Draw the Line. 20somethingfinance. Web (November 6, 2016). Retrieved from: https://20somethingfinance.com/american-hours-worked-productivity-vacation/

Miller, C. (2015). Stressed, Tired, Rushed: A Portrati of the Modern Family. The Upshot. Web (November 6, 2016). Retrieved from: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/05/upshot/stressed-tired-rushed-a-portrait-of-the-modern-family.html?_r=0

National Collaboration for Youth (2011). The Impact of Youth Development Programs On Student Academic Achievement. National Human Services Assembly. Web (November 6, 2016). Retrieved from: http://nationalassembly.org/Uploads2/Resources/SchoolSuccessBrief.pdf

Schabner, D. (2016). Americans Work More Than Anyone. ABC News. Web (November 6, 2016). Retrieved from: http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=93364

Schabner, D. (2016). Americans: Overworked, Overstressed. ABC News. Web (November 6, 2016). Retrieved from: http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=93604

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