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The “Why” Generation

This is the third article in the Next Generation Leadership Series. Click to read the first and second articles. Work-life balance: the millennial dream and the employer nightmare. I presented on the topic of millennials to a group of professionals …

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Out with the New and In with the Old

This is the second article in the Next Generation Leadership Series. Read the first one HERE. Kids These Days… Since our last article, I have done some digging to find out when the belief of “young people don’t work as …

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The Language of Metrics – Workshop Results

  The Leadership Society of Arizona (LSA) is partnering with the professional organization, International Facility Management Association (IFMA), to create a new leadership workshop series that unites professionals and students in the Phoenix Valley. These workshops are part of a …

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Organization For Your Life

How organized are you? Optimism bias a tendency to overestimate our likelihood of experiencing good events and underestimate our likelihood of experiencing bad events. For example, in a survey people were asked, how likely that one would have a fatal …

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Education Change Is At Our Doorstep

  Introduction “‘Our education system is a mess; it is failing us, our children, our future’ — a catchphrase I hear at conferences, during dinner and casual conversations.” – Sebastian Turbot The educational system has never been a serious problem …

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after school program

A Successful After School Program

According to the Center for American Progress on the topic of “work and family life balance,” 70% of American children live in households where both parents are employed [up from 20% of mothers who worked in the 1960s] (Miller, 2016; …

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