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Who wants to be a Millennial-aire?

What’s the Deal with Millennials?  According to Google Trends, there’s a growing interest in understand generational differences. Every day, more articles are published with some variation of the same title: “This is how we’ve always done it, but how will …

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Organization For Your Life

How organized are you? Optimism bias a tendency to overestimate our likelihood of experiencing good events and underestimate our likelihood of experiencing bad events. For example, in a survey people were asked, how likely that one would have a fatal …

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Education Change Is At Our Doorstep

  Introduction “‘Our education system is a mess; it is failing us, our children, our future’ — a catchphrase I hear at conferences, during dinner and casual conversations.” – Sebastian Turbot The educational system has never been a serious problem …

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The Cure to Procrastination

  This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office Online. Procrastination is a word almost all students know well, the act of delaying an action. It usually increases stress, worry, and in the end makes you work harder. …

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The Secret to Solving Personal Problems

  One of the greatest mysteries that continues to perplex the education system is why so many students are still depressed, stressed and failing to learn critical life skills that help them solve their personal problems. For many years, the …

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