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Why College Might Not Be for Everyone

  Some things in life are painfully overrated and college might be one of those things. Teachers and administrators tell students ,who want to be successful, go to college. They encourage students to earn a degree from one of the …

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How to Help Elite Students Be Successful

  Many parents have dreams of sending their children to attend the most prestigious colleges. Places like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton have become symbols of student success and intelligence. Parents pride themselves in sending their children to elite schools, thinking …

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How Much Do We Actually Learn in School?

  A few years ago, I had finished my college education with an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering. After finishing, I began reviewing all the classes I had taken to achieve my degree. In total, I had taken over 46 …

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Summer Camp

Tiger Moms and Summer Camp Kids

My Mom Each day, there is a second that we can use or waste. Especially during childhood when children are going through their formative years, parents must be there to instill good habits and traditions that are meant to last …

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after school program

A Successful After School Program

According to the Center for American Progress on the topic of “work and family life balance,” 70% of American children live in households where both parents are employed [up from 20% of mothers who worked in the 1960s] (Miller, 2016; …

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How to help your child be successful

  Successful Students Education should prepare a child to be successful at life. Looking at current high school and college graduation, unemployment, economic prosperity, crime rates, and the health index, it’s clear that education has failed us. K12 education is …

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Punishment Vs. Encouragement in U.S. Education

  For many, school serves as a system of filtration that challenges new and old ideologies of teaching structured by the lapse of time. Curriculums and teaching styles represents what people think is vital and necessary to the generation at …

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Leadership Skills

Preparing the Professional of the Future

  What were to happen if employees across the country vanished but there were no replacements to fill the positions? The same thing that happens to lake without rain – a drought. Census data shows that we are now entering …

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Quality Leadership Program for Disadvantaged Schools

We’ve all heard the phrase about opportunity knocking; however in some areas it doesn’t come to visit as often. For students living in disadvantaged areas getting access to quality programs outside of school can be difficult. To complicate matters, programs …

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